Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time...what we expect? Or will expect?

If you think about it....if we ever build a  time machine and go back in time, we're not really changing the past. If you think of time as continous, not chronological, then the future is already there, laid out, and we are still part of the past. Therefore, in the "future," we go back in time and change something. So whatever we "changed" already changed since time is continuous and the future is already occuring. In reality, you cannot "change the future." :) Think about it for a while and....never mind, it won't become clearer. It'll just make you think harder.
Time is a tricky thing. Has the future already become the past for someone else? Everything has already been laid out for us, so technically, there is no such thing as the future. There is only the present. And who is to say, that there is no time at all but the present overlapping the present of centuries ago? Who's to say right now, in a parallel universe, we are not fighting the Revolutionary War, or sailing across the ocean blue in 1492? Who's to say we are merely the past when the future is actually the present? Confusing? Indeed. Controversial? Indeed. Beyond insanely over the top hilarious? You betcha.
So, in order for us to really understand time, we need not clocks, not years, not weeks, nor minutes, heck, we don't even need seconds! For as you are saying in your head right now, this is the present, it has already become a thing of the past less than ten seconds ago, less than five seconds, less than one! So, are you ever really in the present?
Yet it all depends on how you see the so-called "present" "future" and "past". To you, is it a mere matter of nano seconds, or do you look at in the grand scheme of things such as....1750 is the past, 2035 is he future, and 2011 is the present? Whichever you decide, there's no two people who will believe the exact same definition for time.
Speaking of which, I'm running out of time and I best be off. But remember, if you ever run across a time machine, I would most definitely consider this article. Have you already been back in time in the future, or will you ultimately change the world as we know it? Your choice! (no pressure!) Until next time! (or have I already written again in the..."future"?)
"Tick tock, try to stop the forward motion, All heads tend to fall behind, Wasted whether of the wish cut steeper, Always running out of time...."--Motion City Soundtrack
"'Tis a glorious thing to be confused...."

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